Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kicking Horse (Speaks for it's self)

Woke to an early misty morning for my first real ride since the race, what a way to start back into it, climb up kicking horse for first runs before they open the chairs to the Down hillers.

Half way up,

Getting there, consistent 10-12% pitch all the way.

Oh yeh, & what a cracker day at that, even after the trying muddy conditions of the 24hr, my trusty BMC Trail fox climbed like a trooper!

What goes up must go down,

Rewarded with some ripping lines on the descent,

Some cool structures thrown in for good measure, check the spiral, fun, fun.

Bit of a gap at the end of this berm up in the trees,

The Trail fox loved it almost as much as me, perfect for going up & 5 inches just enough to come down on most of the lines, mind you there was plenty of lines to choose from for all levels from green(easy) to double Black diamond(steep & Gnarly)

Even something for the dirt jumpers down towards the bottom,

Kicking Horse! the best way I can discribe it, is a low key Whistler,

Great set up!

Race Report, Supporters Tribute & more Traveling tails still to come!

Live to Ride, Ride to live,


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