Monday, February 2, 2009

Updates Coming soon!!!!!!!!

Must apologize for the lack of posting!

Certainly not due to nothing happening, that's for sure!

One thing you can be sure of, I've been riding my "bikes" loads,
working heaps,

In a nutshell it's been a very busy start to the year!

Even melted into a puddle last week,
Finally solidified again.

I'll fill you in on what's been going on, what's coming up & give you the low down
on the new BMC Ferrari!!!!!!! I'll be racing this year!

Ok, maybe not a Ferrari,
However my new Four Stroke 01!!!!!! feels like one in the dirt,
It's a dead set Thoroughbred!!!!!

So stay tuned, a whole lot more to come as soon as I find the time,
Not forgetting my long ride home!

Live to ride, Ride to live,


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